Our Training To Make Your Training Fun Again



  • Start a discussion about the organizational culture and how we can build a foundation that is open to and benefits from a new model of personal and professional development.

  • Discover a proven, disciplined approach to boost employee performance, leadership, and organizational culture with principles of 21st century learning, engagement & retention.

  • Experience firsthand the trademarked Learn-Say-Do-Reflect Model in action during this workshop and feel the difference for yourself from the learner point of view.

  • Reverse-engineer the ultimate training to create measurable results in personal and team development.

  • Be a part of the art and science to make training fun again while practicing the concepts and tools during this real-time experience.



  • Determine what’s really most important in the organizational and cultural foundation to then build the framework for a leadership or training and development program.

  • Learn to create buy-in with all levels of people in your organization (from those who can’t wait to those who you can’t seem to impress no matter what).

  • Understand how to build engagement from top executives down to participants so they don’t simply say, “Go ahead, great idea. Check in with me later.”

  • Identify several ways to get people to take ownership and make decisions for the co-created learning experience.

  • Build a legacy so that this idea and cultural development plan for personal empowerment and leadership development lives beyond your tenure at your company.


  • Connect with the sole purpose and end result of building a training program for your organization.

  • Identify how the organization needs to operate at its core and with its people.

  • Discuss the common philosophies and tactics for developing a learning plan and why most of them are irrelevant or outdated.

  • Identify the really most important aspects of any educational and training experience.


  • Answer and discuss: What does your culture, development, and training need to look like, sound like, & feel like?

  • Answer and discuss: What do you want participants walking away thinking, feeling, and doing differently?

  • Answer and discuss: What is the vision for the experience (not including the content)?

  • Focus the answers on the intentions and gaps within the people, performance, and processes.


  • Focus on pre-solving the six major training challenges by tailoring the culture of the organization to the needs of the people, along with the top line impact and bottom line results of the business.

  • Build a high-performance culture by tapping into what’s most important to the organization, your people, and the results you want to generate.

  • Create presentations for multidimensional learning to connect with people in their style: visual, auditory, & kinesthetic.

  • Assess room sizes and layouts required for different learning experiences.

  • Review clock management skills for the framework, timeline, and agenda of genius-level presentations with content, group discussion, exercises, reflection, and breaks.

  • Learn to manage your events like a boss from setup to breakdown with seemingly seamless perfection.


  • Discover the general personal, professional, and leadership development curriculum that form a solid foundation for any training program.

  • Discuss the nine types of education and narrow down the focus for what your organization wants and needs right now and for the long-term.

  • Brainstorm the curriculum specific to your industry and organization while aligning to organizational competencies, job skills, industry knowledge, and core business concepts.

  • Focus on performance strategy to develop people for their best work (and not simply because it’s a part of the general plan).


DESIGN (will be covered in standard objectives)

  • Put an end to the great debate of content versus context in order to increase engagement and drive lasting results.

  • Discuss the problem with typical learning and development plans and how to solve them in one step.

  • Establish a positive and empowering learning atmosphere and room setup with limited distractions.

  • Engage learners with the unique, highly-researched and applied Learn-Say-Do-Reflect Model to increase engagement, retention, and fun, while transforming any training into an easy-to-apply and unforgettable experience that makes trainers and managers look like heroes.

  • Develop unique concepts for application, exercises that anchor the learning, and tools that provide a system for action.

  • Visually learn the laws of slide design that make or break your PowerPoint.


  • Develop a training culture of energy, commitment, application, and celebration to make it more than just some class.

  • Know when to adjust your approach: being a speaker, teacher, trainer, consultant, therapist, facilitator, and coach.

  • Highlight presenter standards: high-energy, interactive, engaging, fun, & customized events.

  • Learn how to quickly get into a high performance state for building a highly enjoyable learning experience.

  • Learn to build rapport and trust with anyone in just five minutes for instant credibility and impact while connecting with, reading, and adjusting to the unique needs of any audience.

  • Focus on not speaking: your “stage” movement, connecting with your eyes, voice projection, and presentation technology.


  • Use humor, questions, and discussion properly to make dull materials come to life.

  • Use storytelling to make your presentations more dynamic.

  • Learn strategies for dealing with difficult audiences that suck (your energy) while handling resistance and problem participants with tact.

  • Adjust to working with small groups, large groups, and everything in between.

  • Avoid common onstage pitfalls and facilitate anything that can go wrong (because it may go wrong).

  • Handle the "too much content, not enough time" dilemma.

  • Sell your ideas to the audience, learn specific phrases to influence action, and do what you can to guarantee follow-up results.

  • Finishing strong, on-time, and with more energy than you started.


  • Revisit the cultural philosophies and development that form the core of the training experience.

  • Learn to develop a model for students teaching students where the training program ultimately runs independent of upper management.

  • Examine strategies for designing a facilitator development program with systems and structure for how events are designed and delivered.

  • Discuss realistic strategies with teammates about learning transfer and business performance.


  • Develop and/or review evaluation models and accountability standards.

  • Build a performance scorecard for your trainers to evaluate each training experience.

  • Develop a learner evaluation that gets you the feedback you need.

Ready to customize your train-the-trainer experience? Take your first step.

Your First Step